Unfavorable Favors

Unfavorable Favors

Upholding dignity in times of hardship. | Picture taken from personal repository
It is better to face your hardships alone than feel beholden to those who endow you with their favors.

Doing a good deed rarely meets its anonymous objectives these days. Rather, until the recipient is made to feel indebted, until proper recognition is received, the satisfaction index doesn’t reach its proposed end. This need for accolades and recognition shows how hollow people are from inside and despite having everything, need to fill their empty spaces with the noise of applause. With the advent of social media, people are driven to acts of humanity by the sole incentive of being hailed by all and not for the sake of its very own necessity.

One time help to the underprivileged and you get multitude of likes and compliments; after that who cares in what plight the people continue to live?

People fail to realize that being a part of the society, they too are dependent on various unseen threads of this fabric. Being of use to others is a matter of responsibility and not any random means to ennoblement.

The sense of doer-ship engulfs the people to such an extent that they get blinded towards the fact that such affectation enfeebles the weak even more. It imbibes them with feeling that they will have to depend on external help for their survival; that they are not capable enough to come out of their state of despair by themselves.

As much as broadening of one’s perspective is important, paying attention to details is all the more necessary.

The weak asks for empathy and not affected sympathy. The weak hopes to come out strong and not to keep on surviving on meager help, of which he/she is made to feel obliged time and again.

What do people try to show by taking their kids to orphanages, celebrating their birthdays and showering their love on them, in front of the less fortunate? The greatness lies not in their thought of spending time for the noble cause but in the smiles of the less fortunate kids who welcome them to celebrate their silly occasions.

And by weak I don’t intend to point just towards the socially and economically weak class, the weak might as well be your dear one going through emotional turbulence. And we ought not to leverage their moments of weakness to attain shallow glorification and satisfy our egos.